Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO): Vacant
Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs: Vacant
Communications, Press and Publicity: William (Bill) Leak
Community Coordination: Jennifer Gregg
Criminal Justice: Cean Mack
Economic Development: Deonta Davis
Education: Virginia Leak
Environmental and Climate Justice: Vacant
Finance: Only 1 slot open
Freedom Fund: Bryant Ward
Health: Caleeah Curley
Housing: Michelle Cannon
Labor and Industry: Vacant
Legal Redress: Garry Smith
Membership and Life Membership: Alesia Dawson
Political Action: Reginald Turner
Prison Branch: Not filling at this time
Religious Affairs: Christopher Stephens
Young Adult: Vacant
Youth Works: Vacant
Women In NAACP (WIN): Debra Evans
Local Committees
Trustee: Faye Gregg
Technology/Social Media: Gregory Gregg, Zoe Grant, Garry Smith