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2020 Vision, Love For One Another
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2025 Flyer Coming Soon

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live ina nation where they will not be judged

by the color of their skin, but by the contentof therir character - Martin Luther King Jr. 

Join Us!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Save the date for the MLK Jr. Celebration activities, including the Motor Parade and the Program.

We eagerly anticipate resuming this annual event next year as we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Best regards,

The NAACP Temple Branch Executive Committee

2025 NAACP Temple Branch Theme

Embracing the Legacy, Fulfilling the Promise: Living the Dreams of our Ancestors in 2025

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, the NAACP reflects on the enduring values that have guided us through the pages of history. Last year, we saw a growing change in the NAACP in 2023 as we reached a milestone of one hundred members. While creating partnerships, relationships, and momentum in the community, we recognized we are stronger together.

In 2025, we are called to honor the dreams of our ancestors by embodying the principal values of Equity, Justice, and Compassion. We reflect on how far we have come and recognize there are no bystanders in the battle for Justice and equality; our youth are our future leaders who will carry on the torch


The Values of Equity - Equity is the heartbeat of our struggle—a commitment to dismantling systemic barriers perpetuating inequality. As we navigate the challenges of our time, let us pledge to create a society where everyone has equal access to opportunities, regardless of their

background. Let our actions testify to our dedication to building a world where fairness and Justice prevail.

The Value of Justice – the cornerstone of our mission, beckons us to stand against discrimination, prejudice, and oppression. Let us continue the advocacy for change, working tirelessly to ensure that the scales of Justice are balanced for all. By fostering an environment where accountability reigns, and the rights of every person are protected, we move closer to the dream our ancestors envisioned—a society founded on true equality.

The Value of Compassion – the guiding force that binds us together, implores us to see humanity in one another. In the face of adversity, let our empathy be a source of strength. As we engage in the struggle for a better future, may we cultivate a spirit of understanding, kindness, and unity. Compassion bridges divide and propel us toward a future where we celebrate our shared humanity.

In 2024, let us honor the sacrifices of those who came before us by living out the dreams they dared to dream. Let us forge a path marked by equity, Justice, and compassion, knowing that each step we take brings us closer to the fulfillment of a promise made long ago—a promise of a world where everyone is afforded the dignity and respect, they deserve.

Together, let us be the torchbearers of change, illuminating the path toward a brighter, more just future. In the spirit of unity and commitment, we embark on this journey, resolute in our mission to live the dreams of our ancestors in 2024 and beyond.

So, we encourage you as individuals and as an organization to become members. We are more robust in numbers and diverse in knowledge, and your opinions are needed and matter.

Continuation of Tree Plantings 

From our 2023 NAACP Temple Branch Theme

"A Growing Change in the NAACP in 2023"

We will continue to plant our 2023 Life Member Tribute Trees throughout 2024 as weather permits, and we will announce them for community participation.

The NAACP Temple Branch will dedicate five inaugural trees, one tree adopted in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s honor, and four trees planted as a tribute representing our current long-time Church, Organizational, and Business Life Members.

#1-MLK Festival Grounds 220 Martin Luther King Jr Drive, Temple, TX 76501 (2024 to add Marker)

Marker: NAACP Temple Branch Tree Adopted Jan 2023 Dr. MLK Jr Day

#2-Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Church - 417 S 13th St, Temple, TX 76504 (Planted in 2023, 2024 to add Marker)

#3-St. James Lodge #71 306 South 12th Street (The African American Churches Historic District) (Planted in 2023, 2024 to add Marker)

#4-Victory Missionary Baptist Church - 1001 E Avenue A, Temple, TX 76501 (Plant in 2024)

#5-St. James United Methodist Church – 707 S 3rd Street, Temple, TX 76504 (Plant in 2024)

Life Member Marker Reads: NAACP Temple Branch LIFE MEMBER Planted 2023 Dr. MLK Jr Day

The trees represent life and the NAACP's Growing Change in our branch and community. Watch the numbers grow across the city on the interactive map on the website. The plantings will be scheduled at Life Member's, documented, and placed on our website.

Please find out more about our Life Membership Drive Here

Click on the image for a live interactive map. Watch the map grow over the years as we add more Life Memberships.

Marker placed at the Adopted of Tree on MLK Festival Grounds

All markers will be placed in 2024. All trees that did not survive last year's weather be replaced.  

We thank the City of Temple and Parks and Recreation for the donated trees and the to-be-adopted tree with markers for our inaugural planting of trees in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Life Member Organization of the NAACP Temple Branch.

Copyright © Temple NAACP Unit, Temple, Texas 2020

P.O. Box 157
Temple, TX 76503
Phone: 254.421.7930


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